Škoda Tour 2018, 7.- 14.7.201418, Semmering, Austria
- Details
- Parent Category: History
- Hits: 7184

Dear Skodafriends
Since the 19th century the Semmering is a popular holiday destination of the "fine society" of Vienna in summer. Not only the nobility, but also the "high Society" and artists gathered in the villas of the fashionable health resort.
The town prospered with the construction of the railway .which was opened in 1854. Vienna is barely 80 km away, could be reached in just a few hours. A trip this year will also take us to the Southern Railway Museum and the famous railway line.
Our accommodation is the Sporthotel Semmering, from where we start all the activities, be it the rally through the Hellvally, the excursion to Graz with a visit to the castle Eggenberg, the ride on the cog railway to the highest mountain in Lower Austria, the Schneeberg, or as it already is mentioned the Southern Railway Museum and the historic Semmering Railway.
We look forward to your coming and hope that we can welcome many of you here soon.
Please send the registration before 01.03.2018 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PS: There is also a possibility to go by train with your car from germany to austria
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Škoda Tour 2018, 7.- 14.7.201418, Semmering, Østrig
- Details
- Parent Category: History
- Hits: 191833

Kære Skoda venner
Siden det 19. århundrede er Semmering et populært feriemål for det "fine samfund" i Wien om sommeren. Ikke kun adelen, men også den "høje samfund" og kunstnere samlet i villaerne i det fashionable kursted.
Byen blomstrede med opførelsen af jernbanen, som blev åbnet i 1854. Wien er knap 80 km væk, kunne nås på få timer. En tur i år vil også tage os til det sydlige jernbanemuseum og den berømte jernbanelinje.
Vores indkvartering er Sporthotel Semmering, hvorfra vi starter alle aktiviteterne, det være sig rally gennem Höllental, udflugten til Graz med et besøg på slottet Eggenberg, turen på tandbanen til det højeste bjerg i Niederösterreich, Schneeberg, eller som det allerede er nævnt jernbanmuseum og den historiske Semmering Railway.
Vi ser frem til din komme og håber, at vi kan byde mange af jer her snart.
Send venligst registreringen inden 01.03.2018 til This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
PS: Der er også mulighed for at tage med tog med din bil fra Tyskland til Østrig
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